+420 554 611 511
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Delivery address:
SILNICE.CZ s. r. o.
Vrchlického 1151/24
794 01 Krnov
We are a dynamic and flourishing company and the main object of our business consists in the construction and recycling of roads, production of special asphalt emulsions including their application, repairs of culverts, riggots , crash barriers, road shoulders...
All these activities have been certified in accordance with ISO 9001, 14001, 16001 and 18001.
As we recognize the necessity of repairs of all roads both in the Czech Republic and abroad, we strive continuously to apply more efficient and cheaper technologies and processes with the effort to help our customers to reduce partially investment and implementation costs.
Until today, we have established a stable and financially independent company that is not encumbered with any loans or other financial liabilities.
We continuously invest in the modernization of our technologies and are loaded in favour of new promising projects.
As the only company in the Czech Republic, we have a mobile emulsifying station available.